Saturday, December 22, 2007

There are cows here too...

So, in my meet the team post I forgot to introduce the 150 cows that I also spend my life with and the reason I get to live in such a beautiful place. So without further ado here are the cows and the farm and a sneaky pic of "Farmer Geoff" too.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Meet the team

Well I've been thinking about what to write on my new blog. I have been helping Geoff change the rubberware on the milking machines today so I could tell you what I've learnt from that..... but no that would be the end of my blog before it'd even started.... where could I go from there!!

So instead I've decided I should introduce the cast in my new farm life starting with my 2 lovely dogs. First up is Maggie, she's just turned one and is now a fully fledged farm dog if a bit over enthusiastic at times.

This is Maggie out on the farm yesterday.

Here's another photo of her when she was a pup.... very cute!!
Her first time on the back of the farm bike... she was petrified!

And then there's Tess. She is a lovely old dog, in semi-retirement now that Maggie is on the scene but still likes to get out on
the farm and show the cows who's boss!

Tess chilling out at home

Although not officially a farm animal I'll introduce Puss as well. I'll describe him for you... he's very lazy and lies around all day only to awaken at the prospect of food. He'll occasionally get off his backside to go and get a
trophy for you and proudly release a half dead mouse or bird for you to catch! The problem is he's just too cute and he knows it, you just can't help love him!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Welcome to my blog...

In less than 2 weeks I will be a farmers wife. This may or may not seem odd to you but in my head I'm thinking 'How the hell did that happen?" . If you had said to me 2 years ago that this would be the case I would have laughed.... very LOUDLY! I am a British migrant to New Zealand and have been here for about 3 years now. I was teaching in North London before I ventured south to New Zealand and as you can imagine my lifestyle is somewhat different now.

My sister, Lyndsey, arrived in New Zealand the other day along with her boyfriend Steve. Watching them nervously walk down the driveway towards the farm on the lookout for any speck of mud made me realise how far I've come in a short space of time. It's true I'm nowhere near being immune to the delights of cow poo yet but I've learned so much already and more importantly I'm now willing to give it all a go as I've been lured into the way of life of a farmers wife.

I've started this blog to give it a go... blogging that is. I've been meaning to use it as a teaching tool for a while now but never seem to have then time. Now the summer holidays are here I thought I'd give it bash. I'm not sure anybody out there want to know about the transistion from city girl to farmers wife but then again you never know.... here goes....